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Pet Fitness Classes

What are pet fitness classes and how can they benefit my pet?

Pet fitness classes are divided into classes for youngsters, adult pets, and geriatric pets.  Other classes such as stretching your pet classes and home massage techniques are for all groups of pets.  Fitness classes for puppies focus on helping them to be more coordinated in their movements, help them establish a comfortable walking gait, and help increase their balance and stability.  Adult dog fitness classes are for dogs who can benefit from regular stretching and exercises that will help them continue to be able to maintain their activity level and, in some cases, to increase their activity level.  

Geriatric dog and cat classes focus on teaching exercises that can help increase mobility and keep it at a level that ensures a good quality of life for these older pets.  These classes are open to healthy, vaccinated, non-aggressive pets who are able to walk on a leash. Cats must be restrained with a cat harness.  Individualized instruction can be arranged through a regular house call appointment or via referral from your pet's primary care veterinarian.

cat on shelfdog with jolly ball
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